30 Dec The Amazing Resources at the Philadelphia Trans Wellness Conference (PTWC)
Elliott and I had a fantastic time at the Philadelphia Trans Wellness Conference at end of July. We met a lot of really great people. We learned a lot and most importantly, I think we learned how many resources are really out there to help the Transgender/ Non-Binary/ Gender Fluid person. We are in the process of building these resources into our website in order to better serve you, our customers.
There were many types of resources at the conference. Lots of professional attended and gave talks including medical doctors and nurses, counselors, therapists and clinicians. Some of the medical groups that dropped off cards by our table included Silvana Hernando, RP a clinical educator on trans health for Rainbow Health in Toronto Ontario (www.rainbowhealthontario.ca), S. Levett who is a community health navigator for the True Center for Gender Diversity at Children’s Hospital Colorado (childrenscolorado.org). The Queer Health Guys (QHG) are queer and trans medical professionals on a mission toe improve LGBTQIA health. They have a very well built-out website with articles on just about everything you could think of including dating, trans athletes, specific sites for black trans advocacy, the trans Latina coalition, chest feeding, lots and lots and lots of information about hormones, HRC Guide to Trans Care Health Insurance and much, much more information – and – you can e-mail them questions.
Legal resources were also present and very visible . The Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund (TLDEF- transgenderlegal.org) had a table at the event and they are sponsoring a name change project for the low income members of the TGNCNB community in a number of cities. Julie Chovanes, Esq and Ezra Young, Esq gave a seminar to the professional track groups on “Advanced Gender Rights Law and Litigation – From Developing Legal Theories to Drafting Complaints and Running Cases. Mazzoni Center which leads the
Philadelphia Trans Wellness conference also has a legal department to help the TGNCNB community, especially low-income members of the community with legal issues and they can be contacted at legalservices @mazzonicenter.org or 215-563-0657.
There were lots of talks and events for TGNCNB youth, their parents and siblings & families
We made many, many contacts with wonderful, unique and talented people at the PTWC and would definitely recommend attending. In the meantime, we are adding many of the resources we found to our website to share with you – www.burslfllc.com.
One more note, the beautiful featured image is the cover of the PTWC and is titled “The Luminous Self” by Grace Schleisman and was selected from hundreds of entries for the cover art contest. You can read about Grace Schleisman and Grace’s work at www.mazzonicenter.org/trans-wellness/blog/cover-art-winner-announced.
10/30/2019 Update:
We were contacted by Manuel Bonifatti at Outreach Specialist from The Recovery Village in Ridgefield, WA. Manuel wanted us to share with you their recently published educational guide for the LGBTQ+ community about substance misuse. We want you to have all the resources you need to stay healthy so you can be your authetic self – which is your best self. Here are some links to their resources LGBTQ+ and Addition: Causes, Resources and Treatment and The Recovery Village at Ridgefield – LGBTQ+ Addition Resources
-Gayle Frankenbach