16 Jun Do You Live in West Virginia and Need Hormone Replacement Therapy? QueerDoc Has a Limited-Time Waiver to Work with You via Telehealth!
Hi Everyone,
You all know we are compiling a state-by-state guide to health care for transgender, gender nonconforming, nonbinary, gender queer and trans* individuals. Last week we covered West Virginia and Virginia and we could find no dedicated options in West Virginia for hormone replacement therapy, not even at planned parenthood. There is the VA for veterans and an online guide to various providers, but no options dedicated to Trans Health.
B.UR.SLF committed to do some extra research to see if we could find a health care group or clinic that offered HRT via telehealth to West Virginia. We contacted a few groups and found QueerDoc, a source for queer, gender diverse, medical care online, had an interest in providing this service to the trans* community in West Virginia. QueerDoc stepped up last week to register for a waiver to serve the community in West Virginia. Due to the pandemic, telehealth clinics are being given an option to apply for a waiver of licensing to serve other states.
The best way to explore the opportunity to work with Queer Doc is to set up an introductory appointment via this online link: https://queerdoc.com/3ca66-homepage/how-it-works/. Here is additional contact information for Queer Doc (https://queerdoc.com/, FB: https://www.facebook.com/queerdoc Instagram: @queerdoc, PH# 541-604-8276.
This is a very limited opportunity. The ability of QueerDoc to serve you via telehealth only extends for the length of the pandemic. Whenever it is decided that the pandemic is ended, you will need to transfer maintenance of your hormone replacement therapy to another physician. It maybe easier to transfer your care though, once you have started the process with QueerDoc.
If you are in West Virginia and have been thinking of starting hormone replacement therapy for gender confirmation, we recommend giving the good folks at QueerDoc a call. QueerDoc strives to be affordable and they offer other services as well, listed on their website. You can discuss your options with QueerDoc once you contact them online.
If you know someone in West Virginia who is looking for the opportunity to start Hormone Replace Therapy, but they are struggling to find a provider/ clinic to serve them, please forward this post.